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Concept and Working Environment:

iConViz © is a 4D visualization software that integrates a construction schedule information with a 3D CAD model to produce a dynamic visualization of constructing a building in 3D fashion. The tool includes a dynamic visualization mechanism to enable users such as construction planner and managers to rehearse different execution strategies for the project. It enhances the coordination of work on site as well as simulating the site/campus space planning operations. Hence, the main aims are:
– To rehearse construction schedules and ‘what-if’ scenarios via integrating products and processes using 4D CAD/VR visualization.
– To analyze site space configuration and minimize clashes between construction activities.
– To simulate the construction progress based on true ‘visual workspace’ planning features like: work-rate simulation, time-based progress visualization, and directionality of work using ‘Execution Patterns (EP)’.
The illustration in the thumbnail below shows the time-based simulation mechanism that represents the change of progress of work in 4D by utilizing a clock (activity dates) as a controller for altering the 4D visualization backward and forward.

System Description and Integration

Derived from the above concept, the system considers that the construction progress visualization for the iConViz must be based on single-source of information combining the CAD product model and the activity schedule details inside a central database. The developed 4D system brings together the project schedule information using planning software like MS Project and 3D-CAD components of a construction project using AutoCAD ADT or Revit. Then the implemented VRML visualizer uses VB.NET to embed a CORTONA ® VRML browser. In this way, users can utilize the VRML interface to export and visualize ‘on-the-fly’ the weekly 4D simulation of a particular construction stages. This enhances the user level of realization, as they find more freedom for exploring the 4D in a Virtual Reality fashion

iConViz 4D Software

This software was developed further is a result of further improvement and development extending my PhD research work back at the University of Teesside, UK. The software Graphical User Interface (GUI) and functionality have been improved to facilitate more easy way to produce 4D models in an effective manner. The reason for this is directly from my working experience in the past year that user desire a quick and flexible approach to produce 4D visualization. 

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