(1) Dynamic Parametric Facade Patterning
We utilized the Revit Curtain Panel Pattern family to stitch a network of reference lines. These lines become the skeleton to model/sweep profile shapes and generate a variety of 3D patterns. Users can use the attached Dynamo definition to articulate the parameters inside these panels and create different facade configurations.
Follow the links below to download the sample Revit/Dynamo files.

(2) Latest PatternGen Update (for Revit 2018, 2019 and 2020)
PatternGen © for Revit is useful for users who wants to automate the manipulation of the sizes of façade panels or placement of the panel on the faced (i.e. Revit divided surface), driven by an image data pixels. It works with any Revit rectangular-base divided surface base only, that has a rectangular-base curtain panel pattern-base family. See samples of Revit families and images available in the download to check the configurations.
Using this Add-on, users can generate the exterior façade panelization using any multiple images as a response to environmental, privacy, and functional. If images are created in certain way, then users can simply create beautiful aesthetic effect like attractor effect.

These are the PatternGen parameters:
1) Users should build the curtain panel pattern-base family with specific parameters called X1, X2, and X3. Where:
2) X1 and X2 parameter are length instance parameters.
3) The input values for X1 and X2 are in inches at the moment.
4) X3 is an angular instance parameter.
About this Version:
– Support for Revit Architecture 2018, 2019 and 2020
– Download the compressed ZIP file named (PatternGen.zip)
– Extract all the ZIP file content [C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\].
– The Add-On button should show up on your Revit Ribbon interface inside the [Add-Ons] Revit tab.
– Click on the [Activate Add-On] button to activate this FREE trial version.
General Usage / Instruction:
Refer to user interface and scenario PDF named (iConViz-V3.0-PatternAddon-UserInterface.pdf) use inside the [C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\PatternGen.bundle\Contents\Resources] folder.
Known Limitations:
Works only with:
1- Divided surface that is rectangular base, and has unique U/V grid count. Not distances.
2- Curtain panel pattern-base that is rectangular base. But users can create any shape with in the rectangular base to create any effect like (diamond effect, checker-board, rhomboid, etc.)
3- One run at a time..
(3) Earlier Versions of the PatternGen Add-On
These images illustrate some earlier attempts in developing the PatternGen (2010) and key ideas that helped us designing the Add-On. I especially tried this tool on a Tower Project competition to exemplify real design requirements for a project. We won the first Prize!
Please EMAIL ME so I can email you the Add-On and a few notes on how to use it. Sorry, I do not have the documentation created now as this is an on-going development process. Please share your thoughts and it will be great to get your input.

(4) Short Video Illustrations